The kunstZacademy is a part-time theatre training program for people with an ethnic and/or culturally diverse background. The lessons are given by professionals from the theatre world.
In our training we develop acting methods and explore theatrical forms wherein the differences between participants can lead to new playing and movement styles.
Here we work on skill sets and competences needed to move on to assignments, internships or even an advanced full-time training within the professional performing arts.
Every year we work on a showcase that is shown on a real stage with a real audience!

About the academy
A free part-time theatre training where you learn about different art disciplines such as acting, movement theatre, text, singing, dance, ...
You will receive a structured lesson plan in which you work together with others, research, create and rehearse. In this manner we are able to get the most out of each individuals theatre talents.
Do you want more information about the kunstZacademy and the program? Download the brochure!
This theatre training is free and for everyone older than 16 years of age. Because there is flexibility in the handling of communication and languages, this program is very accessible for newcomers and people that are not so well known in the Flemish community.
The emphasis is on mastering some of the basic disciplines within theatre, as well as having fun and working with others.
Are you interested in joining our lessons? Would you like to sign up for a module? Do you have any questions?
Let us know and come by for an introductory meeting!
For who?
For one year you will work within the kunstZacademy towards a showcase.
The showcase occurs in June and is a chance for family and friends to witness the work that you've done during the year.
All of your skills and abilities come together on the stage as you and the rest of the group perform for a real audience.