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Amar Al Bojrad/artZ


Work in progress


In BOREDOM, Amar Al Bojrad explores the concept of boredom.

Does everything in life have to be stimulating, interesting and productive?


On the scene a musician who looks like a bureaucrat at a futuristic desk. Does he personify time? The dancer is the outgrowth of his soul and shows aspects of his life, especially the boredom in life. The musician operates 'the joystick' by means of the music he plays.
While dancing, Amar sketches different tempi of being.
  The developing material is by no means 'bore'.


In Marrakech, Amar presented a solo stage from the work in progress during  Festival International De Danse Contemporaine  2017.


CONCEPT & GAME  Amar Al Bojrad

MUSIC  Guy Van Nueten


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