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18667(c) ENTER festival reporterslabo 20

ENTER is a social-artistic festival and wants to give you a broad insight into the social-artistic practice in Flanders. More than 40 activities are waiting to be discovered by you, spread over six days and different Antwerp districts.

ENTER shows you both existing and new work, created especially for this festival by joining forces within different neighbourhoods!

ENTER moves to the Deurne district (Saturday 18 April), conquers Kiel and Wilrijk (Sunday 19 April), takes over the city center for 2 days (Thursday and Friday 23 and 24 April), crosses Antwerp-North and Borgerhout (Saturday 25 April ), lands in Merksem and Ekeren and finally plants its flag in the heart of Luchtbal (Sunday 26 April).
A solid artistic team keeps the helm: theater maker Arlette Van Overvelt, musician Bert Bernaerts, writer Rachida Lamrabet, visual artist Frederik Vergaert and choreographer Nienke Reehorst.

ENTER is an initiative of the social-artistic field in Flanders. The 2015 edition
  is an initiative of Tutti Fratelli, kunstZ, Madam Fortuna, the Antwerp culture centers and DÄ“mos, in collaboration with the city of Antwerp. Toneelhuis, Middelheim Museum, De Roma, Rataplan, Arenbergschouwburg, Fiëbre, Permeke, M HKA, Fameus and many others are the Antwerp partners of this edition. 

Brace yourself for a good portion of social-artistic piracy and be surprised!



ENTER 2015 took place from April 18 to 26, 2015



A. Rodenbachstraat 21

2140 Antwerp


tel. +32 (0)3 344 27 88




bank account BE 85 7310 2927 7706

company number 0501.956.588






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