Ayham Qomoq/kunstZ​ /WIPCOOP
Work in progress

© Victoriano Moreno
JINN is a Work In Progress in which Ayham Qomoq – together with a group of dancers – investigates the history of the mythological creatures in Eastern culture – the Djinn. In theory, they take over the life and movements of the Djinn via Butoh, contemporary dance and rhythm.
Ayham Qomoq is an actor, writer and filmmaker who studied at the art academy in Homs, Syria. In Belgium he continues his artistic career. With his first short film, The Wall (2020), he won the Hakuna Academy prize during PRESS RECORD. He has directed music videos His Trust Fund and Shakespeare, Midsummer Night's dream. A new video release Aiwatan, is in the pipeline. As an actor he appeared in Rebel (Caviar – 2021), I Love the World (kunstZ – 2017), City Paradise (kunstZ – 2018), Giselle (Opera Ballet Vlaanderen & KunstZ), De Grote Rappel (2016), and various projects in CC De Vleeshaak (Bad Van Marie and Rooftoptiger – 2018).
JINN will be shown as Work in Progress for the first time during WIPCOOP Antwerp in the Arenbergschouwburg on Wednesday 10 November 2021.
GAME Zakaria Elmaleky, Xanthe Peeters Dedapper, Axelle Vienne, Mery Thi Coopman, Alexander Deijmann, François Vincent, Sim Heyrman, Roelie de Jaeger, Marijke De Puydt, Steffi Mennen
MUSIC Ayham Qomoq & Zakaria Elmaleky
THANKS TO WIPCOOP/Mestizo Arts Platform and the Flemish Government