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Michel Kiyombo/kunstZ/WIPCOOP


Work in progress


Photo (c) Karolina Maruszak



Michel Kiyombo is a maker, dancer and actor. He had already undergone intensive dance training with Faustin Linyekula, and his solo 'Masu Kaino' was supported by his arts center Les Studios Kabako (Congo). Michel also danced in 'Toxuvan Momar N'Diaye', in 'Debout' by Djino Alolo, in 'Le manteau' by Tchekpo Dan Agbetou. In Belgium Michel appeared in 'Le sacre du Printemps' (les ballets C de la B), 'Sur les traces de Dinozord' by Faustin Linyekula.  He co-choreographed the reworking of Akram Khan's 'Giselle' in collaboration with kunstZ and gives dance workshops in De Grote Post.


Matchombe is a dance performance in which Michel looks back on his own childhood in Congo, his return to Belgium and in the meantime discovers fatherhood. On stage, he tells the story of his birth and how he came to earth as a small, vulnerable being. Through dance he grows into the man he is today. But what remains of the frailty in him? Now he is a father himself, but what about his vulnerability?


MUSIC Youness Unik

COACHING Tijen Lawson and Greet Vissers

TRANSLATION Greet Vissers and Somalia Williamson




Thanks to WIPCOOP/Mestizo Arts Platform. Michel Kiyombo got during  the WIPCOOP SESSIONS the opportunity to present his nearly finished performance to an audience during an interim presentation.

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