
“We give life to places when we are there, the places turn into experiences and become part of our lives.”
“Favorite places always find you, unexpectedly and unsuspectingly you are moved by something you had not yet noticed”.
This project was developed in the context of the city festival 'Antwerp today' and is intended to emphasize the positive aspects of the neighborhood together with the residents and visitors of Borgerhout.
Artist Alex Cordova asked people what their favorite place is in the neighborhood and why. He records this process through photos and video. The artwork takes shape through the interaction with various residents of Borgerhout. Together they investigated the value of the neighbourhood.
Alex Cordova is from Peru. He paints, photographs and films, expressing his own feelings and dreams in poetic images.
He also carried out the interactive project “Your favorite place” in the 2060 district police station.
This exhibition took place in 't Werkhuys and was a co-production between kunstZ, het Werkhuys, the city of Antwerp company Samenleven and the Borgerhout district.