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kunstZ // Laika

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Theatre thriller based on the book by the Russian writer Dostoevsky.  



The young student Raskalnikov has no money left to pay his rent. He feels powerless and he finds society unjust. How can he live in a world where poverty and misery are the lot of most people?  


His answer is radical.  


So radical that he loses his humanity and becomes a murderer.  



The story takes place in the bustle of the city, in a labyrinth of different cultures and characters, smells and colors and with music based on Russian symphonies.  


Crime and Punishment is a mix of exciting intrigue, psychological analysis and big ethical questions.  


TEXT AND DIRECTION Jo Roets, Greet Vissers

GAME Aboudar Abbas, Benny Ceuppens, Koen Janssen, Gert Jochems, Meryem Kiliç, Adams Mensah, Aline Nuyens, Deniz Polatolu, Irina Seleznjova

SCENOGRAPHY Saskia Louwaard, Katrijn Baeten

SOUND DESIGN Anton Van Haver, David Bovée

TECHNIQUE Rik Van Gysegem




Crime and punishment is a co-production of Laika and kunstZ in collaboration with DE Studio.





A. Rodenbachstraat 21

2140 Antwerp


tel. +32 (0)3 344 27 88




bank account BE 85 7310 2927 7706

company number 0501.956.588






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graphic design in collaboration with studio kuurjeus

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