Somalia Williamson/kunstZ​ /WIPCOOP
Work in progress

© Yvette Poumpalova
MOTHER is a reflection on human interaction and connection in this globalized world and an attempt to merge the myriad of artistic media, perspectives and voices.
In an immediate contact with the audience, Somalia Williamson explores the world from the perspective of a universal figure – the mother – in search of the reflection of pure unconditional love. After examining collective overlapping memories with fellow performers and makers, Alec De Bruyn, Gorik Elaut and Tijen Lawton, she composes a universal story about this entity of intertwined sensations, emotions and insights that binds us all.
MOTHER will be shown as Work in Progress for the first time during WIPCOOP Antwerp in the Arenbergschouwburg on Tuesday 09 November 2021.
CONCEPT & GAME Somalia Williamson
CO-WORKED WITH Gorik Elaut (violin), Alec De Bruyn (soundscape), Tijen Lawton (choreography)
THANKS TO Walpurgis, WIPCOOP/Mestizo Arts Platform & the Flemish Government