A new kunstZproject : Birds
Thursday 9 December

The new project 'BIRDS (a ceremony)' will be completely underway in 2022!
After a number of research moments in the fall around the text 'Conference of the Birds' by Attar of Nishapur, we will start with the Kick-Off weekend in the weekend of January 8-9.
Under the guidance of Rebecca Lenaerts and Tijen Lawton you will learn more about the project, you will get to know the content of the text material and we will stretch our wings. Then you can decide whether you want to be there for the first phase of the project.
The creation process starts in January 2022 and ends with a show moment in June 2022. Once a week you come together in a group to rehearse and as the show moment gets closer, the intensity of the work process increases. too.
Saturday 8 January 2022 (hours to be determined)
Sunday 9 January 2022 (hours to be determined)
kunstZ - A. Rodenbachstraat 21, 2140 Borgerhout
Lunch, comfortable clothing, notebook and writing materials
Would you like to participate in this project? Sign up and send an email to nina.plantefeve@kunstz.be
See you soon!
The kunstZteam