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STADSPARADIJZEN is the artistic response of a young, diverse group to the challenges of a demanding city.  Idyllic paradise or dangerous urban  jungle?

STADSPARADIJZEN does not want to make a choice but to marvel at encounters in the city between people of various backgrounds.

The animal kingdom becomes a metaphor for all kinds of reflections on the Urban Jungle, where people are busy defending, expanding and contesting territories. 

The Fables of Jean De La Fontaine, The Earthly Paradise with the Fall of Adam and Eve by Peter Paul Rubens  and the work of Marie-Jo Lafontaine are the sources of inspiration. 

STADSPARADIJZEN is a dynamic performance with theatre, music, dance, song and video.




PLAYERS  Ayham Alafshari, Abdol Reza Aghajeri, Gloria biney, Roxette Chikua, Oliver Cramm, Daniel Djissenou, Saga Gumaa, Laetitia Keim, Saida El Haddioui, Jecsan Leon Jimenez, Meryem Kiliç, Romeo Lothy, Timur Magomedgadzhiev, Francisco Manzano,  Željka Omeragić, Berre Pattiez, Alexander Sauw, Abigail Takem Agbarchi, Ariel Takem Agbarchi, Somalia Williamson, Cornelia Zambila

AND  Wassim Al Qaisi, Kamilia Achiri, Louai Hashem, Lumarsol Brito de Oliveira, Saif Salloomi

DIRECTOR Greet Vissers

ACTOR DIRECTION Duraid Abbas Ghaieb

COACH Daisy Ip & Rebecca Lenaerts

CHOREOGRAPHY Tijen Lawton, Bianca Zueneli & Marco Torrice

MUSIC Alec De Bruyn

COSTUME Amber De Saeger & Mario Leko

PRODUCTION Freija Bosmans & Reindert Swaegers 

DESIGN Steven Brys

VIDEO MAPPING Sam Vandenhoeck

CAMERA Toon Illegems, Adams Mensah & Hussein Shabeeb

INTERNSHIP Lize Meynaerts & Bess Van Oevelen 


STADSPARADIJZEN is a participative production by kunstZ in collaboration with Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Kopspel, OOSTNATIE and Fameus. In the context of Antwerp Baroque 2018. Rubens inspires. Co-financed by the Creative Europe program of the European Union, the City of Antwerp and the Flemish Government



A. Rodenbachstraat 21

2140 Antwerp


tel. +32 (0)3 344 27 88




bank account BE 85 7310 2927 7706

company number 0501.956.588






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graphic design in collaboration with studio kuurjeus

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